Thursday 30 May 2013

The Placement Advisor Sanjukta ....

Another hat that I wear is for consulting, for careers and employment.
In that role, Sanjukta designs, develops, and delivers workshops. Provides input into workshop modifications to meet changing needs of the student demography and to meet established goals and targets. Markets programs, liaises with community agencies, and interviews clients to assess their suitability and readiness for program participation. Identifies both internal and external needs related to client employment resulting in the development and implementation of marketing plans for clients, Sensitivity used with front line advisement for multi-cultural/racial client group, assisting them to make employer connections.

My mission is to help my students recognize and reach their highest potential. I do this by providing quality training, facilitating meaningful and empowering experiences and connecting through sharing personal stories and experiences. This helps individuals to recognize the choices they have in their lives and the power they have to make those choices to create positive changes in themselves and the world around them.

It's a  pleasure to guide and support students gain insight into their values and passions that result in logical decision-making and increased self-confidence.

Some of  my skills, that have benefited my students in their career paths are:
Building powerful resumes
Networking tactfully
Learning how to face interviews effectively
Making powerful personal statements for personal advocacy

Inspiring others to be articulate, work on and achieve their own goals using creativity, enthusiasm, out-of-the-box thinking and dynamic leadership are some of my career attributes. I strive to encourage others to excel, define and reach their goals by working through their barriers in a systemic way, always respectful of an individual's right to receive personalized, timely service with a high degree of performance excellence.

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